Licensed to Friends Central Aq./ FC School
                                   HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 4.0 2/18/2015 10:13 AM
           Friends' School League Swimming Championships - 2/14/2015           
Event 1  Girls 200 Yard Medley Relay
         FSL: # 1:56.84        2010 Friends' Central                           
                         V Gillison,M Greenblatt,S Shaw,O Gillison         
    School                                                  Finals       Points 
  1 Westtown School  'A'                                  2:03.14         14  
     1) Alyce Eichelberger JR           2) Sarah Murray FR                
     3) Anne Burns SR                   4) Jamie Murphy-Soika JR          
  2 Moorestown Friends School  'A'                        2:10.45         10  
     1) Marirose Aleardi JR             2) Rebecca Berg SO                
     3) Stephanie Walker SR             4) Anna Immaneni FR               
  3 George School  'A'                                    2:14.42          8  
     1) Natasja Lessiohadi SR           2) Lily Falk SR                   
     3) Zoe Valdepenas-Mellor FR        4) Alexandra Herscovici JR        
  4 Friends Select School  'A'                            2:17.47          6  
     1) Charlotte Ennis JR              2) Gabby Hebden-Pearl JR          
     3) Rachel Anthony FR               4) Maya Zarate-Ramirez JR         
  5 The Shipley School  'A'                               2:18.93          4  
     1) Katrina Moore JR                2) Paige McCallum FR              
     3) Rachel Menziuso FR              4) Claudia Menziuso FR            
  6 Friends' Central School  'A'                          2:23.55          2  
     1) Sarah Scheuritzel FR            2) Charlotte Davison FR           
     3) Kate Raphaely FR                4) Carolyn Spellacy JR            
  7 Abington Friends School  'A'                          3:07.55        
     1) Emily Thomas JR                 2) Rebecca Macey SO               
     3) Lauren Bloom JR                 4) Carly Latta SR                 
 -- Westtown School  'B'                                 x2:38.67        
     1) Emma Le Febvre SO               2) Alexandra Walter SO            
     3) Claire Thompson SO              4) Rebecca Parker SO              
 -- George School  'B'                                   x2:41.17        
     1) Esther Tang SR                  2) Alie Tomlin SR                 
     3) Kim Krishnan SR                 4) Susie Mott FR                  
Event 2  Boys 200 Yard Medley Relay
         FSL: # 1:43.98        1997 Westtown                                   
                         M Lawson, T Britton, J Josephson, S Mininger      
    School                                                  Finals       Points 
  1 Friends' Central School  'A'                          1:46.27         14  
     1) Ben Shapiro SR                  2) Kyle Tuverson SR               
     3) Jerry Henry SR                  4) Aris Mourelatos SR             
  2 George School  'A'                                    1:52.47         10  
     1) Tyler Mahlmann SO               2) Jonathan Lessiohadi FR         
     3) Chris Stack JR                  4) Fritz Hillegas SR              
  3 Westtown School  'A'                                  1:59.59          8  
     1) Evan Asbury SO                  2) Dire Ezeh SR                   
     3) Troy Larsen FR                  4) Josh Shenot SO                 
  4 Friends Select School  'A'                            2:11.88          6  
     1) Sam Feinberg JR                 2) Hans Horst-Martz SO            
     3) Alex Giganti SO                 4) Thomas Archambault FR          
  5 Moorestown Friends School  'A'                        2:14.15          4  
     1) Matthew Knowlton SO             2) Jacob Schoifet JR              
     3) Piercson Sheehan FR             4) Connor Cronk SO                
  6 Abington Friends School  'A'                          2:21.27          2  
     1) Evan Steinberg SO               2) Corey Naitove JR               
     3) Matthew Pohubka JR              4) Lintao Ma JR                   
  7 The Shipley School  'A'                               2:23.88        
     1) Griffin Brooks SR               2) David Forer FR                 
     3) Harrison Callahan JR            4) Peter Jordan JR                
 -- Friends' Central School  'B'                         x1:58.38        
     1) Aidan Fitzsimmons SO            2) Galen Cassidy FR               
     3) Luke Volkert SO                 4) Evan Paszamant FR              
 -- Westtown School  'B'                                 x2:09.72        
     1) Michael Liu SR                  2) Valentin Brand SO              
     3) Charles Qian SR                 4) Kerem Perk JR                  
 -- George School  'B'                                   x2:38.51        
     1) Quinn Otto-Moudry SO            2) Cody Platt JR                  
     3) Grant Denmark JR                4) Josh Hoffman SO                
Event 3  Girls 200 Yard Freestyle
         FSL: # 1:56.15        2008 A. Garner        Germantown, Germantown    
    Name              Year School                           Finals       Points 
  1 Sofia Acchione      FR Friends' Central               2:02.87          7  
  2 Sarah Murray        FR Westtown                       2:07.70          5  
  3 Rachel Anthony      FR Friends Select                 2:19.11          4  
  4 Megan Nuggihalli    JR Westtown                       2:20.12          3  
  5 Sydney Procos       SO George School                  2:28.33          2  
  6 Maura Beachell      JR Shipley                        2:28.93          1  
  7 Skylar McClane      JR Moorestown                     2:29.22        
  8 Sorah Park          JR Westtown                       2:29.29        
  9 Ainsley Bruton      SO Westtown                       2:37.65        
 10 Claudia Menziuso    FR Shipley                        2:37.76        
 11 Hannah Dunnous      FR Friends Select                 2:38.15        
 12 Caroline Weaver     FR Friends' Central               2:43.37        
 13 Alexandra Herscovi  JR George School                  2:43.62        
 14 Rosalynd Crossley   FR George School                  2:51.96        
 15 Esther Tang         SR George School                  2:56.02        
Event 4  Boys 200 Yard Freestyle
         FSL: # 1:45.57        2009 J. Armstrong   Friends Central, Friends' Ce
    Name              Year School                           Finals       Points 
  1 Gus Anderson        JR Friends' Central               1:51.26          7  
  2 Jonathan Lessiohad  FR George School                  1:52.91          5  
  3 Brandon Beach       SR Moorestown                     1:57.09          4  
  4 Josh Shenot         SO Westtown                       2:04.78          3  
  5 Nicholas Tuverson   FR Friends' Central               2:11.76          2  
  6 Edward Gelernt      JR Moorestown                     2:15.84          1  
  7 Evan Paszamant      FR Friends' Central               2:22.43        
  8 Alexander Le Febvr  JR Westtown                       2:23.21        
  9 Liam Archbold       JR George School                  2:23.38        
 10 Nolan McGrann       SO Friends' Central               2:26.80        
 11 Samuel Brandt       SR Shipley                        2:33.47        
 12 Michael Liu         SR Westtown                       2:34.44        
 13 Thomas Archambault  FR Friends Select                 2:35.16        
 14 Wyatt Page          JR Shipley                        2:54.88        
 15 Grant Denmark       JR George School                  2:55.31        
 16 Steven Zhang        FR Shipley                        2:59.18        
Event 5  Girls 200 Yard IM
         FSL: # 2:12.84        2012 B. Bruno          Shipley, Shipley         
    Name              Year School                           Finals       Points 
  1 Alyce Eichelberger  JR Westtown                       2:18.87          7  
  2 Sydney Chamley-Oer  SO Friends' Central               2:26.97          5  
  3 Zoe Valdepenas-Mel  FR George School                  2:27.91          4  
  4 Stephanie Walker    SR Moorestown                     2:34.61          3  
  5 Natasja Lessiohadi  SR George School                  2:34.80          2  
  6 Jerrica Bauer       JR George School                  2:48.83          1  
  7 Anna Immaneni       FR Moorestown                     2:49.61        
  8 Sarah Rebl          SO Westtown                       2:50.36        
  9 Rachel Menziuso     FR Shipley                        2:56.03        
 10 Carolyn Spellacy    JR Friends' Central               2:58.23        
 11 Karina Charanjiva   FR George School                  3:00.85        
 12 Claire Thompson     SO Westtown                       3:06.02        
 13 Katie Schuyler      SO Moorestown                     3:06.07        
 14 Lauren Bloom        JR Abington Friends               3:19.13        
 15 Jasper Perry-Ander  JR Friends Select                 3:22.44        
 -- Anya Minasyan       FR Germantown                    X2:36.20        
Event 6  Boys 200 Yard IM
         FSL: # 1:58.83        2009 S. Kirwin          Abington, Abington      
    Name              Year School                           Finals       Points 
  1 Ben Shapiro         SR Friends' Central               2:04.38          7  
  2 Noah Deleon         JR Friends' Central               2:09.94          5  
  3 Chris Stack         JR George School                  2:14.07          4  
  4 Fritz Hillegas      SR George School                  2:21.89          3  
  5 Luke Volkert        SO Friends' Central               2:33.23          2  
  6 Evan Asbury         SO Westtown                       2:34.64          1  
  7 Nick Sokoll         FR Westtown                       2:38.08        
  8 Troy Larsen         FR Westtown                       2:47.93        
  9 Piercson Sheehan    FR Moorestown                     2:52.95        
 10 Ezra Kruger         FR Friends' Central               2:56.08        
Event 7  Girls 50 Yard Freestyle
         FSL: # 24.59        2005 S. Goodman     Germantown, Germantown        
    Name              Year School                           Finals       Points 
  1 Maya Zarate-Ramire  JR Friends Select                   27.17          7  
  2 Stephanie Walker    SR Moorestown                       27.54          5  
  3 Sydney Chamley-Oer  SO Friends' Central                 27.61          4  
  4 Kate Raphaely       FR Friends' Central                 27.70          3  
  5 Jamie Murphy-Soika  JR Westtown                         28.16          2  
  6 Stephanie Graziani  SO Westtown                         29.09          1  
  7 Savannahf Naib      FR Shipley                          29.63        
  8 Abbe Domenick       SO Westtown                         29.74        
  9 Charlotte Ennis     JR Friends Select                   30.53        
 10 Anna Picciano       SO George School                    32.32        
 11 Rebecca Berg        SO Moorestown                       32.91        
 12 Agnia Ustymenko     SR Shipley                          33.15        
 13 Amanda Cooper       FR Moorestown                       34.03        
 14 Hannah Bianco       SO Moorestown                       34.51        
 15 Christine Lederer   SR George School                    35.02        
 16 Anne Kennedy        JR Friends' Central                 35.46        
 17 Rebecca Macey       SO Abington Friends                 36.22        
 18 Emma Verges         SO Friends' Central                 37.13        
 19 Mary Graham         FR Friends Select                   38.06        
 20 Grace Latta         SO Westtown                         39.18        
 21 Annabelle Kong      JR Abington Friends                 45.24        
Event 8  Boys 50 Yard Freestyle
         FSL: # 22.27        1999 J. Josephson     Westtown, Westtown          
    Name              Year School                           Finals       Points 
  1 Aris Mourelatos     SR Friends' Central                 23.23          7  
  2 Jessee Joo          JR Shipley                          24.05          5  
  3 Dire Ezeh           SR Westtown                         24.13          4  
  4 Jerry Henry         SR Friends' Central                 24.17          3  
  5 Tyler Mahlmann      SO George School                    24.79          2  
  6 Christopher Verdeu  SR Shipley                          25.19          1  
  7 Connor Cronk        SO Moorestown                       25.94        
  8 Alex Giganti        SO Friends Select                   26.14        
  9 Simon Kroupa        SO Westtown                         26.80        
 10 Valentin Brand      SO Westtown                         27.37        
 11 Matthew Knowlton    SO Moorestown                       27.77        
 12 Sam Feinberg        JR Friends Select                   27.79        
 13 David Forer         FR Shipley                          28.27        
 14 Corey Naitove       JR Abington Friends                 28.36        
 15 Griffin Brooks      SR Shipley                          29.04        
 16 Max Bender          FR Friends' Central                 29.43        
 17 Matthew Pohubka     JR Abington Friends                 29.50        
 18 Josh Hoffman        SO George School                    30.00        
 19 Mateo Flores        SO Moorestown                       31.11        
 20 Josh Murdy          JR Moorestown                       31.56        
 21 Bora Ozgun          JR Westtown                         31.58        
 22 Cody Platt          JR George School                    32.31        
 23 Myung Won Seong     JR George School                    32.87        
 24 Onion Zhang         JR Friends Select                   33.78        
 25 Zach Shen           FR Abington Friends                 36.39        
 26 Bill Huo            SO Friends' Central                 39.93        
 -- Andrea Berghella    JR Germantown                      X25.77        
Event 9  Girls 100 Yard Butterfly
         FSL: # 1:02.01        2011 B. Bruno           Shipley, Shipley        
    Name              Year School                           Finals       Points 
  1 Sofia Acchione      FR Friends' Central               1:00.85#         7  
  2 Sophie Shack        FR Friends' Central               1:05.90          5  
  3 Giulia Acchione     JR Shipley                        1:06.77          4  
  4 Anne Burns          SR Westtown                       1:10.21          3  
  5 Stephanie Graziani  SO Westtown                       1:11.01          2  
  6 Katrina Moore       JR Shipley                        1:15.70          1  
  7 Alexandra Herscovi  JR George School                  1:23.00        
  8 Lily Falk           SR George School                  1:28.55        
  9 Claire Thompson     SO Westtown                       1:30.00        
 10 Anjali Gupta        FR Friends' Central               1:30.89        
 11 Paige Andreassi     FR George School                  1:35.11        
 12 Jasper Perry-Ander  JR Friends Select                 1:37.49        
 -- Ellie Cheung        FR Germantown                    X1:11.92        
Event 10  Boys 100 Yard Butterfly
         FSL: # 55.71        1994 Lawson          Westtown, Westtown           
    Name              Year School                           Finals       Points 
  1 Jerry Henry         SR Friends' Central                 57.50          7  
  2 Chris Stack         JR George School                    58.56          5  
  3 Luke Volkert        SO Friends' Central               1:08.62          4  
  4 Troy Larsen         FR Westtown                       1:13.92          3  
  5 Charles Qian        SR Westtown                       1:18.28          2  
  6 Josh Yanowitz       FR Friends' Central               1:23.08          1  
  7 Max Bender          FR Friends' Central               1:25.30        
 -- Owen Cheung         JR Germantown                    X1:00.15        
Event 11  Girls 100 Yard Freestyle
         FSL: # 54.89        2009 O. Gillison  Friends' Central, Friends' Centr
    Name              Year School                           Finals       Points 
  1 Maya Zarate-Ramire  JR Friends Select                   59.55          7  
  2 Jamie Murphy-Soika  JR Westtown                       1:02.45          5  
  3 Marirose Aleardi    JR Moorestown                     1:06.13          4  
  4 Savannahf Naib      FR Shipley                        1:07.31          3  
  5 Abbe Domenick       SO Westtown                       1:07.34          2  
  6 Gabby Hebden-Pearl  JR Friends Select                 1:09.36          1  
  7 Megan Mininno       FR Moorestown                     1:09.91        
  8 Paige McCallum      FR Shipley                        1:11.92        
  9 Carolyn Spellacy    JR Friends' Central               1:12.06        
 10 Anna Picciano       SO George School                  1:14.29        
 11 Caroline Weaver     FR Friends' Central               1:15.31        
 12 Eve Mikes           FR Moorestown                     1:18.10        
 13 Anjali Gupta        FR Friends' Central               1:18.82        
 14 Annaf Park          FR Shipley                        1:21.36        
 15 Emma Le Febvre      SO Westtown                       1:22.02        
 16 Stephanie Cajamarc  JR George School                  1:22.93        
 17 Rebecca Parker      SO Westtown                       1:23.93        
 18 Rebecca Macey       SO Abington Friends               1:27.70        
 19 Amanda Cooper       FR Moorestown                     1:28.34        
 -- Anya Minasyan       FR Germantown                    X1:00.20        
 -- Maura Beachell      JR Shipley                             DQ        
Event 12  Boys 100 Yard Freestyle
         FSL: # 49.07        2009 J. Armstrong   Friends Central, Friends' Cent
    Name              Year School                           Finals       Points 
  1 Aris Mourelatos     SR Friends' Central                 50.67          7  
  2 Kyle Tuverson       SR Friends' Central                 51.25          5  
  3 Brandon Beach       SR Moorestown                       53.44          4  
  4 Nicholas Tuverson   FR Friends' Central                 58.01          3  
  5 Nate Moore          FR Shipley                          59.01          2  
  6 Simon Kroupa        SO Westtown                         59.88          1  
  7 Matt Berger         FR Friends' Central               1:02.94        
  8 Corey Naitove       JR Abington Friends               1:05.95        
  9 Josh Hoffman        SO George School                  1:06.86        
 10 Peter Jordan        JR Shipley                        1:08.43        
 11 Samuel Brandt       SR Shipley                        1:09.18        
 12 Jacob Schoifet      JR Moorestown                     1:09.40        
 13 Bradford Geyer      SO Moorestown                     1:11.22        
 14 Myung Won Seong     JR George School                  1:11.64        
 15 Bora Ozgun          JR Westtown                       1:14.73        
 16 Chase Shamlian      SR Shipley                        1:16.07        
 17 Onion Zhang         JR Friends Select                 1:16.68        
 18 Grant Denmark       JR George School                  1:16.72        
 19 Yiheng Xie          SO Westtown                       1:25.66        
 20 Quinn Otto-Moudry   SO George School                  1:27.32        
 21 Tim Wu              SR Friends Select                 1:32.83        
 22 Lintao Ma           JR Abington Friends               1:43.14        
Event 13  Girls 500 Yard Freestyle
         FSL: # 5:11.77        2008 A. Garner        Germantown, Germantown    
    Name              Year School                           Finals       Points 
  1 Sarah Murray        FR Westtown                       5:41.97          7  
  2 Sophie Shack        FR Friends' Central               5:45.45          5  
  3 Giulia Acchione     JR Shipley                        5:48.42          4  
  4 Rachel Anthony      FR Friends Select                 6:29.39          3  
  5 Megan Nuggihalli    JR Westtown                       6:32.02          2  
  6 Sarah Rebl          SO Westtown                       6:37.22          1  
  7 Jerrica Bauer       JR George School                  6:43.54        
  8 Sydney Procos       SO George School                  6:47.15        
  9 Skylar McClane      JR Moorestown                     6:54.53        
 10 Sarah Scheuritzel   FR Friends' Central               7:44.80        
Event 14  Boys 500 Yard Freestyle
         FSL: # 4:39.78        2009 J. Armstrong   Friends Central, Friends' Ce
    Name              Year School                           Finals       Points 
  1 Gus Anderson        JR Friends' Central               5:07.77          7  
  2 Galen Cassidy       FR Friends' Central               5:23.42          5  
  3 Evan Steinberg      SO Abington Friends               5:29.75          4  
  4 Josh Shenot         SO Westtown                       5:38.75          3  
  5 Aidan Fitzsimmons   SO Friends' Central               6:01.87          2  
  6 Edward Gelernt      JR Moorestown                     6:11.59          1  
  7 Nolan McGrann       SO Friends' Central               7:00.39        
Event 15  Girls 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
         FSL: # 1:43.39    2/9/2013 Friends' Central  School                   
                         V Gillison, M Greenblatt, A Armstrong, E Flick    
    School                                                  Finals       Points 
  1 Friends' Central School  'A'                          1:50.77         14  
     1) Sydney Chamley-Oerton SO        2) Kate Raphaely FR               
     3) Sophie Shack FR                 4) Sofia Acchione FR              
  2 The Shipley School  'A'                               1:56.67         10  
     1) Savannahf Naib FR               2) Claudia Menziuso FR            
     3) Giulia Acchione JR              4) Maura Beachell JR              
  3 Westtown School  'A'                                  1:57.96          8  
     1) Anne Burns SR                   2) Abbe Domenick SO               
     3) Stephanie Graziani-Neuberger SO 4) Megan Nuggihalli JR            
  4 Moorestown Friends School  'A'                        1:58.49          6  
     1) Marirose Aleardi JR             2) Anna Immaneni FR               
     3) Rebecca Berg SO                 4) Stephanie Walker SR            
  5 George School  'A'                                    2:10.86          4  
     1) Karina Charanjiva FR            2) Christine Lederer SR           
     3) Anna Picciano SO                4) Sydney Procos SO               
  6 Friends Select School  'A'                            2:37.67          2  
     1) Hannah Dunnous FR               2) Jasper Perry-Anderson JR       
     3) Mary Graham FR                  4) Juno Zhu JR                    
  7 Abington Friends School  'A'                          2:37.73        
     1) Rebecca Macey SO                2) Emily Thomas JR                
     3) Lauren Bloom JR                 4) Susan Xue SO                   
 -- The Shipley School  'B'                              x2:18.20        
     1) Khloe Prem FR                   2) Virginia Gresh SR              
     3) Agnia Ustymenko SR              4) Annaf Park FR                  
 -- Moorestown Friends School  'B'                       x2:22.76        
     1) Amanda Cooper FR                2) Katie Schuyler SO              
     3) Hannah Bianco SO                4) Eve Mikes FR                   
 -- George School  'B'                                   x2:26.08        
     1) Susie Mott FR                   2) Alie Tomlin SR                 
     3) Stephanie Cajamarca JR          4) Kim Krishnan SR                
 -- Westtown School  'B'                                 x2:27.07        
     1) Grace Latta SO                  2) Emma Le Febvre SO              
     3) Isabel Medina Lopex de Haro SO  4) Rebecca Parker SO              
Event 16  Boys 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
         FSL: # 1:33.43        2007 Friends' Central                           
                         J Armstrong, C Hall, J Chen, J Villars            
    School                                                  Finals       Points 
  1 Friends' Central School  'A'                          1:35.87         14  
     1) Ben Shapiro SR                  2) Jerry Henry SR                 
     3) Noah Deleon JR                  4) Gus Anderson JR                
  2 Westtown School  'A'                                  1:42.60         10  
     1) Valentin Brand SO               2) Dire Ezeh SR                   
     3) Simon Kroupa SO                 4) Josh Shenot SO                 
  3 The Shipley School  'A'                               1:43.32          8  
     1) Nate Moore FR                   2) Christopher Verdeur SR         
     3) Peter Jordan JR                 4) Jessee Joo JR                  
  4 Moorestown Friends School  'A'                        1:47.75          6  
     1) Brandon Beach SR                2) Matthew Knowlton SO            
     3) Piercson Sheehan FR             4) Connor Cronk SO                
  5 George School  'A'                                    2:04.91          4  
     1) Josh Hoffman SO                 2) Cody Platt JR                  
     3) Myung Won Seong JR              4) Grant Denmark JR               
  6 Friends Select School  'A'                            2:17.52          2  
     1) Hans Horst-Martz SO             2) Onion Zhang JR                 
     3) Tim Wu SR                       4) Thomas Archambault FR          
  7 Abington Friends School  'A'                          2:20.97        
     1) Zach Shen FR                    2) Grant Gilfor SO                
     3) Matthew Pohubka JR              4) Lintao Ma JR                   
 -- Friends' Central School  'B'                         x1:46.09        
     1) Luke Volkert SO                 2) Evan Paszamant FR              
     3) Matt Berger FR                  4) Nicholas Tuverson FR           
 -- Moorestown Friends School  'B'                       x1:49.01        
     1) Jacob Schoifet JR               2) Bradford Geyer SO              
     3) Mateo Flores SO                 4) Josh Murdy JR                  
 -- Westtown School  'B'                                 x2:08.31        
     1) Bora Ozgun JR                   2) Nick Sokoll FR                 
     3) Yiheng Xie SO                   4) Charles Qian SR                
 -- The Shipley School  'B'                              x2:10.00        
     1) Arman Eroglu SR                 2) Leo Duke JR                    
     3) Chase Shamlian SR               4) Keagan Farr SR                 
 -- Friends' Central School  'C'                         x2:20.56        
     1) Marc Woolley SO                 2) Bill Huo SO                    
     3) Ezra Kruger FR                  4) Josh Yanowitz FR               
Event 17  Girls 100 Yard Backstroke
         FSL: # 57.98    2/9/2013 Alyce- Faye Eichelberger, Westtown           
    Name              Year School                           Finals       Points 
  1 Alyce Eichelberger  JR Westtown                       1:00.86          7  
  2 Natasja Lessiohadi  SR George School                  1:07.56          5  
  3 Marirose Aleardi    JR Moorestown                     1:13.28          4  
  4 Sarah Scheuritzel   FR Friends' Central               1:14.53          3  
  5 Katrina Moore       JR Shipley                        1:14.87          2  
  6 Anna Immaneni       FR Moorestown                     1:15.57          1  
  7 Rachel Menziuso     FR Shipley                        1:18.52        
  8 Charlotte Ennis     JR Friends Select                 1:18.90        
  9 Ainsley Bruton      SO Westtown                       1:20.00        
 10 Rosalynd Crossley   FR George School                  1:20.86        
 11 Katie Schuyler      SO Moorestown                     1:24.78        
 12 Hannah Dunnous      FR Friends Select                 1:25.53        
 13 Esther Tang         SR George School                  1:26.45        
 14 Charlotte Davison   FR Friends' Central               1:29.24        
 15 Christine Lederer   SR George School                  1:31.32        
 16 Agnia Ustymenko     SR Shipley                        1:33.04        
 17 Anne Kennedy        JR Friends' Central               1:33.50        
 18 Hannah Bianco       SO Moorestown                     1:35.38        
 19 Emma Le Febvre      SO Westtown                       1:44.87        
 20 Khloe Prem          FR Shipley                        1:46.50        
Event 18  Boys 100 Yard Backstroke
         FSL: # 53.01        2009 S. Kirwin          AFS, Abington             
    Name              Year School                           Finals       Points 
  1 Noah Deleon         JR Friends' Central                 57.00          7  
  2 Jessee Joo          JR Shipley                        1:02.14          5  
  3 Aidan Fitzsimmons   SO Friends' Central               1:06.05          4  
  4 Evan Steinberg      SO Abington Friends               1:07.40          3  
  5 Tyler Mahlmann      SO George School                  1:10.18          2  
  6 Sam Feinberg        JR Friends Select                 1:11.21          1  
  7 Nate Moore          FR Shipley                        1:12.28        
  8 Nick Sokoll         FR Westtown                       1:13.80        
  9 Michael Liu         SR Westtown                       1:15.27        
 10 Alexander Le Febvr  JR Westtown                       1:19.82        
 11 Piercson Sheehan    FR Moorestown                     1:21.28        
 12 Matt Berger         FR Friends' Central               1:21.53        
 13 Ezra Kruger         FR Friends' Central               1:26.55        
 14 Mateo Flores        SO Moorestown                     1:40.41        
 15 Steven Zhang        FR Shipley                        1:41.31        
 16 Quinn Otto-Moudry   SO George School                  1:47.90        
 17 Leo Duke            JR Shipley                        1:55.97        
Event 19  Girls 100 Yard Breaststroke
         FSL: # 1:09.70   12/7/2012 B.  Bruno       Shipley, Shipley           
    Name              Year School                           Finals       Points 
  1 Zoe Valdepenas-Mel  FR George School                  1:17.20          7  
  2 Sorah Park          JR Westtown                       1:22.50          5  
  3 Gabby Hebden-Pearl  JR Friends Select                 1:25.25          4  
  4 Rebecca Berg        SO Moorestown                     1:27.54          3  
  5 Anne Burns          SR Westtown                       1:28.43          2  
  6 Paige McCallum      FR Shipley                        1:28.92          1  
  7 Megan Mininno       FR Moorestown                     1:30.49        
  8 Claudia Menziuso    FR Shipley                        1:30.73        
  9 Lily Falk           SR George School                  1:32.26        
 10 Paige Andreassi     FR George School                  1:35.10        
 11 Annaf Park          FR Shipley                        1:35.14        
 12 Karina Charanjiva   FR George School                  1:35.69        
 13 Isabel Medina Lope  SO Westtown                       1:36.91        
 14 Alexandra Walter    SO Westtown                       1:38.80        
 15 Emma Verges         SO Friends' Central               1:39.41        
 16 Charlotte Davison   FR Friends' Central               1:40.44        
 17 Eve Mikes           FR Moorestown                     1:41.96        
 18 Elena Sissell       FR Friends' Central               1:44.72        
 19 Juno Zhu            JR Friends Select                 1:47.70        
 20 Mary Graham         FR Friends Select                 2:15.31        
 -- Ellie Cheung        FR Germantown                    X1:23.89        
Event 20  Boys 100 Yard Breaststroke
         FSL: # 1:01.53        2008 C. Hall        Friends Central, Friends' Ce
    Name              Year School                           Finals       Points 
  1 Ben Shapiro         SR Friends' Central               1:04.20          7  
  2 Jonathan Lessiohad  FR George School                  1:04.64          5  
  3 Kyle Tuverson       SR Friends' Central               1:05.56          4  
  4 Galen Cassidy       FR Friends' Central               1:08.86          3  
  5 Dire Ezeh           SR Westtown                       1:10.14          2  
  6 Alex Giganti        SO Friends Select                 1:13.09          1  
  7 Fritz Hillegas      SR George School                  1:14.00        
  8 Evan Asbury         SO Westtown                       1:16.55        
  9 Christopher Verdeu  SR Shipley                        1:17.25        
 10 Charles Qian        SR Westtown                       1:20.28        
 11 Kerem Perk          JR Westtown                       1:21.02        
 12 Jacob Schoifet      JR Moorestown                     1:21.66        
 13 Josh Murdy          JR Moorestown                     1:25.49        
 14 Matthew Pohubka     JR Abington Friends               1:26.25        
 15 Bradford Geyer      SO Moorestown                     1:26.86        
 16 Hans Horst-Martz    SO Friends Select                 1:27.70        
 17 David Forer         FR Shipley                        1:27.79        
 18 Arman Eroglu        SR Shipley                        1:28.32        
 19 Marc Woolley        SO Friends' Central               1:28.70        
 20 Keagan Farr         SR Shipley                        1:28.87        
 21 Cody Platt          JR George School                  1:34.32        
 22 Grant Gilfor        SO Abington Friends               1:53.61        
 -- Andrea Berghella    JR Germantown                    X1:10.54        
 -- Owen Cheung         JR Germantown                    X1:11.27        
Event 21  Girls 400 Yard Freestyle Relay
         FSL: # 3:49.33        2008 Friends' Central                           
                         M Stroman, E Rubin, S Eisl, O Gillison            
    School                                                  Finals       Points 
  1 Westtown School  'A'                                  4:01.03         14  
     1) Alyce Eichelberger JR           2) Sarah Murray FR                
     3) Jamie Murphy-Soika JR           4) Megan Nuggihalli JR            
  2 Friends' Central School  'A'                          4:04.16         10  
     1) Sydney Chamley-Oerton SO        2) Sophie Shack FR                
     3) Kate Raphaely FR                4) Sofia Acchione FR              
  3 The Shipley School  'A'                               4:23.92          8  
     1) Maura Beachell JR               2) Rachel Menziuso FR             
     3) Savannahf Naib FR               4) Giulia Acchione JR             
  4 George School  'A'                                    4:25.62          6  
     1) Natasja Lessiohadi SR           2) Sydney Procos SO               
     3) Alexandra Herscovici JR         4) Zoe Valdepenas-Mellor FR       
  5 Friends Select School  'A'                            4:32.39          4  
     1) Rachel Anthony FR               2) Charlotte Ennis JR             
     3) Gabby Hebden-Pearl JR           4) Maya Zarate-Ramirez JR         
  6 Moorestown Friends School  'A'                        5:03.57          2  
     1) Skylar McClane JR               2) Eve Mikes FR                   
     3) Katie Schuyler SO               4) Megan Mininno FR               
 -- Westtown School  'B'                                 x4:51.30        
     1) Ainsley Bruton SO               2) Sorah Park JR                  
     3) Sarah Rebl SO                   4) Claire Thompson SO             
 -- Friends' Central School  'B'                         x4:55.68        
     1) Charlotte Davison FR            2) Caroline Weaver FR             
     3) Sarah Scheuritzel FR            4) Carolyn Spellacy JR            
 -- The Shipley School  'B'                              x4:57.79        
     1) Agnia Ustymenko SR              2) Paige McCallum FR              
     3) Annaf Park FR                   4) Katrina Moore JR               
 -- George School  'B'                                   x4:58.18        
     1) Anna Picciano SO                2) Jerrica Bauer JR               
     3) Karina Charanjiva FR            4) Lily Falk SR                   
Event 22  Boys 400 Yard Freestyle Relay
         FSL: # 3:24.26        2006 Friends' Central                           
                         J Armstrong, C Hall, J Chen, M Miller             
    School                                                  Finals       Points 
  1 Friends' Central School  'A'                          3:29.19         14  
     1) Kyle Tuverson SR                2) Aris Mourelatos SR             
     3) Noah Deleon JR                  4) Gus Anderson JR                
  2 George School  'A'                                    3:38.35         10  
     1) Fritz Hillegas SR               2) Tyler Mahlmann SO              
     3) Chris Stack JR                  4) Jonathan Lessiohadi FR         
  3 Westtown School  'A'                                  4:03.68          8  
     1) Troy Larsen FR                  2) Valentin Brand SO              
     3) Nick Sokoll FR                  4) Simon Kroupa SO                
  4 Moorestown Friends School  'A'                        4:06.62          6  
     1) Brandon Beach SR                2) Connor Cronk SO                
     3) Matthew Knowlton SO             4) Edward Gelernt JR              
  5 The Shipley School  'A'                               4:07.67          4  
     1) Nate Moore FR                   2) Christopher Verdeur SR         
     3) Samuel Brandt SR                4) Jessee Joo JR                  
  6 Friends Select School  'A'                            4:35.28          2  
     1) Sam Feinberg JR                 2) Thomas Archambault FR          
     3) Hans Horst-Martz SO             4) Alex Giganti SO                
 -- Friends' Central School  'B'                         x3:59.46        
     1) Evan Paszamant FR               2) Nicholas Tuverson FR           
     3) Aidan Fitzsimmons SO            4) Galen Cassidy FR               
 -- Westtown School  'B'                                 x4:27.10        
     1) Michael Liu SR                  2) Bora Ozgun JR                  
     3) Kerem Perk JR                   4) Alexander Le Febvre JR         
 -- The Shipley School  'B'                              x4:32.54        
     1) Keagan Farr SR                  2) Griffin Brooks SR              
     3) Wyatt Page JR                   4) Peter Jordan JR                
                   Women - Team Rankings - Through Event 22                    
  1. Westtown School                      90   2. Friends' Central School              65
  3. George School                        39   4. Moorestown Friends School            38
  4. The Shipley School                   38   4. Friends Select School                38
                    Men - Team Rankings - Through Event 22                     
  1. Friends' Central School             141   2. George School                        50
  3. Westtown School                      45   4. Moorestown Friends School            26
  5. The Shipley School                   25   6. Friends Select School                12
  7. Abington Friends School               9